If you enjoy being alone or are friends with somebody who who likes some solitude, you need to know these ways so-called “hermits” can make for much better company.

1. They are often more available.

While they don’t like to have too busy a schedule, people who enjoy being alone are willing to go out once in a while. Because they don’t have as many plans as most, they’re often going to be more available. If you call a solitary person with something fun to do, they’re less likely going to already be busy and will have little reason not to join you. That’s great if you find out about a cool concert coming up soon, or really want to see a movie that just came out in theaters. With most of the world so endlessly busy, it’s nice to know you have someone you can count on.

2. They will genuinely want to spend time with you.

People who enjoy being alone don’t hang out with people because they feel like they have to stay busy. Those are fake friends. If people who enjoy being alone are with you, it’s because they truly enjoy your company. Whereas other more social friends might be treating your time together as a way to kill a few hours, loners are taking full advantage of it.

3. They won’t be needy.

Everyone has that friend that constantly wants your attention or affection. People who enjoy being alone are not at all those kinds of friends. Precisely because they enjoy their share of solitude, they won’t bother you to hang out constantly, totally happy with the extra time to unwind if you want some time apart or some alone time for yourself. It’s very nice to be close to someone who is that low-maintenance.

4. They value privacy.

People who enjoy being alone tend to be very private people. They don’t feel the need to share their stories with the whole world, rather enjoying having their share of secrets or things left unsaid. For that reason, chances are people who enjoy being alone will value your privacy, as well. They won’t push you to share everything you’re thinking or feeling with them. They are also able to totally relate to the need to keep some stuff to yourself. In a world that’s obsessed with status updates, where software and other individuals are constantly asking us what we’re thinking, it’s incredibly nice to have someone who knows when to keep quiet.

5. They don’t waste time.

Those who enjoy being alone tend to be a little anxious to go back to being alone. That is why they won’t stall or linger, making the most out of their time with you so that they save as many hours for themselves as possible. If you can’t stand staying at a restaurant hours after you and your friends have finished your meals, you’ll really treasure someone willing to hurry things up.

6. They really value a true friend.

People who enjoy being alone are likely to have less friends, but have deeper relationships with each of them. Instead of being social butterflies with hundreds of acquaintances, they have a few people they truly trust and care for. If you’re lucky enough to be one of them, you’re likely to be rewarded with a solid, stable, and rewarding friendship. When it comes to people in your life, is there anything more important? Featured photo credit: Girl Reading Magazine In Hotel Bed/Glenn3095 via flickr.com