Here is why we are addicted to the internet so much:

1. It Helps Time Pass

When we have nothing to do, we simply grab out laptops and start searching the web for interesting things. Almost everywhere you go, there is internet access.  When there is nothing to do, I simply grab my laptop, and look up things I like. This ranges from celebrities, dream homes, music, etc. I know it may not be productive, but I find that gaining knowledge can be from a book, magazine, encyclopedia, and the internet for that matter. When we read we engage our senses. The internet enables this also. So, why shouldn’t we be addicted to internet surfing if it can help us gain so much knowledge in one place by itself?

2. It helps us learn

With one click of the button, you can search for whatever it is that is on your mind. When the internet has everything it is you might need, why shouldn’t we be on the internet? I must say though, everything is good in moderation. Too much of anything can be counterproductive and I think the internet falls victim to this. When we over utilize online search capabilities, we fall victim of eye strain, headaches, as well as body aches. So instead, make it a habit to look away and get your body active. The internet is a great resource for helping you learn new information.

3. It causes a domino effect

I know if I search for one thing, I will search for something that is related to it that I have read in the article that I just finished. It is a tendency I have, to gain as much knowledge as I possibly can. One engine search, inevitable leads to another- just like when one domino falls, the next in line also does. I search for something and end up searching for something else. It is a quick downward spiral! Make sure to control it as it has the ability to spiral our of hand.

4. It is fun

I know that engine searches are fun. Typing something into the search engine and waiting for results to pop up is exciting. It is for me. Many times, when researching, I will always hope for a .org or .gov website because it is thought that they are well trusted and helpful. I don’t know, but browsing through, and selecting them is fun for me. I know it is weird, but it is something that I like doing.The internet is fun and there is no doubting that. You can find yourself enjoying yourself, even in difficult research, because of the interesting, fun information you uncover during your searches.

5. It helps us believe we are productive

When searching through webpages and gather information, the internet helps us believe that we are actually productive. I wouldn’t say we are completely ridden of productivity, but it definitely is not the most productive work ethic. Productivity means actually getting up, doing something, and moving the body. Standing in front of the computer, at least, in my view, is far from things like perfection or productivity. Yet, the internet gives you the illusion that you are being productive even if you are not physically moving.

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