You Will Feel Better

No matter how good or bad you feel, exercise will make you feel better. It goes beyond just the “runner’s high”— that rush of feel-good hormones known as endocannabinoids. In a 2006 study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, researchers found that even a single bout of exercise—30 minutes of walking on a treadmill—could instantly lift the mood of someone suffering from a major depressive order. Even if you’ve never run before, start out by walking and jogging so you can build yourself up.

Your Self Esteem Will Improve

Need one more excuse to go green? Runners who ran outside and snagged a good view of nature showed increased self-esteem post-workout than those who didn’t enjoy their surroundings. So find a route or trial you love and just run and enjoy it!

You Will Look Better

Everyone knows that exercising burns calories and helps to shed those pounds, but what many people don’t know is that running helps to burn calories even after you’ve stopped working out. Studies have shown that regular exercise boosts “afterburn,” that is, the number of calories you burn after exercise.

You Will Get A Natural Glow

Believe it or not, working up a sweat can rid the face of all the things that clogs pores and leads to breakouts. A solid sweat session can also boost natural oils, keeping things fresh and healthy.

You Will Improve Your Posture

Running doesn’t just help you lose those extra pounds but also put your body in perfect shape. It tones up the body, develops your waist line and helps you keep a high head. Good posture has also been proven to psychologically make you feel better about yourself too.

Your Knees Will Get Stronger

Running increases bone mass and even helps stem age-related bone loss. Many people think that running actually damages your knees. Science, however has proven that it doesn’t, according to research carried out by a Boston University researcher, running helps to improve knee health. Just be sure to run correctly so that you don’t damage your shins or your Achilles tendon.

Your Heart Will Get Stronger

Even a moderate running routine can benefit in maintaining your heart health by decreasing LDL (bad cholesterol) and increasing HDL (good cholesterol). It also helps to lower blood pressure and improves cardiac functioning. For those who who may already suffer from cardiovascular diseases, researchers proved that running 16 miles per weeks stops the advancements of heart disease and running and running up to 22 miles a week can reverse the effects of developed cardiovascular diseases.

Your Stamina Will Increase

Running regularly will improve your stamina, making workouts more enjoyable and productive. By increasing your stamina you will also help develop the effectiveness and strength of your lungs. It also means you won’t be panting as much or gasping for air, like in the first few times you might try running long distances.

Your Sleep Will Improve

People suffering from Insomnia should stop taking sleeping pills and try running as a treatment to get that precious sleep. Researches conducted on Insomniacs proved that on the day when they ran, they were able to sleep within 17 minutes compared to the regular days without running, which took them 38 minutes to sleep. Even for those of us who don’t suffer from insomnia running can help how quickly we fall asleep and also the quality of it too!

You Will Be More Focused

Running is very helpful in enhancing mental abilities. Studies conducted on British workers proved that on days when they worked out they could concentrate better, they made fewer mistakes and they worked more productively as compared to the days when they didn’t work out.

You Will Meet New People

Some runners enjoy the quiet and solitude of running on their own, but others see running time as social opportunities. Finding a running buddy or running with a group is a great way to develop a sense of community. You can set goals and accomplish them together. In addition, having a regular running buddy or running group is a great way to stay motivated to run.

You Will Save Money

If you can’t afford a gym membership or fancy gym equipment for your home, do not worry! All you need to run is a pair of trainers. The world is your treadmill so go and explore!

You Will Help Others

Running can also be used as a way to contribute to society as a whole. Many races benefit charities, and some charities offer race training in exchange for fund-raising. Running for something that’s bigger than you is a great way to stay motivated to keep training and can make your races even more meaningful and fulfilling. Not only will you gain from a range of physical and metal benefits that come with running but you can also help those in a small to a wider community. You may even want to compete yourself, in marathons or cross country. So why not try it and see where it takes you?