The definition of success is very broad; from gaining wealth, fame, or respect, or completing something to achieving a desired result or aim. And, with broad definitions, so too do we attach different meanings to success. For some, it might be a job promotion, launching a new business, or making lots and lots of money. For others, it might be to simply achieve greater happiness and enjoyment in their lives through new experiences, like traveling. Success then depends on the person; success is relative. Much of the research and material on the internet, as it relates to success and being successful, mentions career progression, wealth, and the accumulation of money. I want to allow for a broader definition as I mention seven things that all successful people keep to themselves. Consider each point carefully as well as how it applies to your life and your definition of success.

1. Successful people are selective in sharing their ideas; ideas are nothing without execution.

If successful people have a business idea, they are selective in sharing it. They do not tell everyone about it. They do this firstly because they recognize that an idea is exactly that: an idea. Without execution, it is nothing. Secondly, while sharing an idea is good to form connections with people who can help progress the idea, they run the risk of someone stealing it. Thirdly, as it relates to them personally, telling a lot of people puts undue expectations and pressure on them. It’s like a promise, not only to themselves but to the people they have told. They would rather use the energy to silently work on their idea. When the idea materializes, only then do they let people know.

2. Successful people do not talk about the intimate details of their lifestyle; they have respect.

They keep their private life to themselves, especially in the workplace, as they understand that firstly these details are exactly that — private — and secondly, that not everyone wants to hear about them. As it relates to life, in general, it’s disrespectful to your partner to disclose all the intimate details. Those details are intimate.

3. Successful people never talk about how heroic they are; they are modest.

Doing this is often seen as egotistical and arrogant; it not only causes rifts in the workplace, but with people in life in general. While celebrating achievements is good for self-esteem and well-being, being modest and humble goes a long way.

4. Successful people never disclose their incomes; they are humble.

Successful people understand that doing so can cause competition, discomfort, and resentment in the workplace. People don’t like someone who blatantly discloses this information; it seems arrogant and superficial.

5. Successful people do not gossip; they are trustworthy.

They do not bring up details about a conversation they had with someone else or about something they have heard. They are trustworthy and maintain this trust. Not only would be revealing such information make them seem disingenuous, but it develops rifts in the workplace and in life relationships. They understand that being authentic and genuine goes a long way in life.

6. Successful people keep bad and good news close to their chest.

This one is for the leaders in companies. They understand that revealing too much information (good and bad) to their team can have a negative impact on workplace performance. As such, they reveal such information selectively, carefully analyzing the effects it will have on their team as a whole. For example, if someone is working on a project, burdening him with negative news will be doing that person a disservice. It will negatively affect performance.

7. Successful people keep their fears to themselves.

Employees need not be burdened by a leader’s fears and self-doubt. While this may seem transparent, authentic, and honest, it can also be perceived as incompetence and instill doubts and fears into employees. What other things do successful people keep to themselves? Featured photo credit: Timo Kohlenberg via