It is normal if you procrastinate to some degree or another, but it starts to become a big problem when it undermines your results and hinders normal functioning. It is almost like self-sabotage, yet we continue to do it, why? There are many reasons why you might procrastinate, in fact most of the time it can actually be related to someting more serious and your first symptom is procrastination.

The Internal War

However, procrastination is in fact, an avoidance behavior on a physical level as well.  Two parts of our brain are having an internal war when we are procrastinating, the pre fontal cortex and the limbic system are fighting each other to either ‘do the work’ or ‘relax a little longer’.  Your prefrontal cortex is the part of your brain which is located behind your forehead and it is really good with planning ahead, making decisions, strategizing, etc. It is the weaker, newer part of your brain which is not on automatic. The limbic system however, is on automatic and it doesn’t get tired easily, this is your pleasure seeking part of the brain. It is the more powerful part of your brain and it just wants to give you immediate satisfaction. When you are not consciously engaged in a task, your limbic system usually takes over. Knowing this can be good and bad news. The good news is that there is nothing seriously wrong with you – it’s normal, you were not born with a deficiency in your productivity genes. The bad news is, however, that you will always have these two parts of your brain going at each other, although you can make it easier for yourself! Here’s how:

Moving Forward

If you are procrastinating and it is affecting your results negatively, here is what you need to do.

1.     Identify

First you need to identify why you are procrastinating. You want to get to the root cause so take note of the emotions you are feeling when you procrastinate. Are you feeling unmotivated, lacking clarity, confidence or fearing failure? Think about what you would need to have in place that would make it easier for you. Remember that it could also just be your biological factors testing your will power again.

2.     Plan

Now that you have a clearer idea why you are procrastinating, make a plan and learn different ways that you can break the barriers and finally move forward to achieve the results you know you can get. Learn how you can beat procrastination once and for all.

3.     It’s nothing serious, just an internal war

If you are convinced that you don’t have serious procrastination problems, just an over active limbic system, here’s what you do

Inhibit the limbic system – You need to remove all your temptations and distractions because the limbic system definitely gets more powerful when temptation is close, so take it as far away from you as you can! You know what I’m talking about – turn off the internet, your email notifications, try to reduce the tangibility of things that tempt you. The long term solution – Keep exercising your prefrontal cortex. Your brain is like a muscle and with repetition, it will become stronger and easier to focus  when needed.

Imagine how much more you could achieve if you stopped procrastinating, how different would your life be right now? If you want to kick your procrastination habits – start to identify why you might be procrastinating, follow the simple steps above and take control of your results now!