One of the biggest acne myths is that you must wash your face often in order to prevent breakouts. As you can see below, hygiene has nothing to do with the development of acne. As a matter of fact, over washing your face can actually make your acne worse. Another myth people often believe is that popping pimples will make them go away faster. While your face may look better on the surface after popping, you’re wreaking havoc underneath because popping actually pushes the bacteria deeper into your skin. Within a few days you’ll probably break out even worse in that same spot. Plus, popping zits also leads to scarring, dents and pits, which often last forever. Read on to see other acne myths debunked.
Don’t let your friends and family fall victim to these acne myth; be sure to spread the word by sharing this infographic with them. Debunking Myths About Acne | Clearogen Featured photo credit: Clearogen via