So I asked her a question: “Mom, do you think you enjoyed being married more when you first got married, or do you enjoy it more now?” My mom takes all questions with gravity and consideration. The hair clippers stopped for a long time. Then she said: “You know, a marriage is like a river. When it first starts out, it can be quite fierce. There are so many rocks and turbulence. Whitewater stretches where you can be holding on for dear life. And that’s exciting. When your dad and I were first married, I loved how everything was a new adventure. There was so much discovery. But as you keep going down the river, the channel cuts deeper, and the current flows more smoothly and stronger. I have to say that I love my marriage so much more now that I’m sailing on a deep current.” She could be a poet on the spot, my mom. I remember this almost word for word, and as I’ve gone through life, in tough times I recall these words and remember that life is long, and that good things are worth sticking with, because in ten and twenty and fifty years, they will be deep currents I cannot imagine at this moment.” From Quora Featured photo credit: Quora via