Proponents of evening showers swear by how relaxed they become before falling into bed afterwards. They also say showering at night saves you time in the morning. But fans of a morning shower time love how a splash of water wakes them up and gets them recharged for their day. Even Benjamin Franklin washed up in the morning.[1] So are there any points we can take into consideration to decide when should be our optimal shower time?

Morning Shower Time

1. You find it difficult to wake up in the morning

Morning showers usually help you wake up. Sleep experts note that a morning shower revs your engines and brings you to an alert state. Showers at night will keep you awake longer, which can be a problem for insomniacs. In fact, one study shows that blasting yourself with cold water at the end of a morning shower will really wake you up.[2]

2. You work out in the morning

If you exercise in the morning, which fitness experts recommend, you’ll need to shower or else risk being fired or losing friends because you smell. Personal development coach

3. You need to be creative for your job

A morning shower time is perfect if you want to get your creative juices flowing first thing. Harvard University psychology lecturer Shelley Carson references what psychologists call the incubation period, that time when those “wheels are turning” and the lightbulb comes on with an answer. Carson says a morning shower allows people to enter that incubation period and have “aha” moments.

4. You easily cut yourself when shaving

If you shave in the morning, shower in the morning. That’s because the human body receives a boost in those clot-forming platelets in the morning that you need to stop the bleeding when you accidentally knick yourself.[3]

5. You need meditation

A morning shower offers a quiet time where you can meditate or pray. There’s even an entire global network established to encourage people to pray while showering in the morning.[4]

Evening Shower Time

6. You have trouble sleeping

Sleep specialists say you spend almost one-third of your entire life sleeping, which presumably is primarily in your bed. By showering at night, you’ll have cleaner sheets and not have to wash them as often. In fact, almost every bed already has dust mites, those icky microscopic bugs that love feeding off of your dead skin cells. Don’t add your dirtiness to those sheets, compounding the problem.

7. You want better skin

If you have a skin condition, such as eczema, a warm evening shower followed by an application of lotion or your medicated ointment is ideal. Dr. Stephanie Gardner said that while steamy showers soothe the body, it actually dries out the natural oils in the skin quickly, making you itchy when you step out.[5] So use lukewarm water and don’t spend more than five minutes in the shower washing up.

8. You want to get rid of allergies

If you suffer from allergies, it’s best to shower at bedtime and wash off the unseen allergens trapped in your hair and on your skin with warm water. Pulmonologist Paul Enright also recommends using a saltwater nasal rinse in the shower at bedtime to help with allergy relief.[6]

9. The place you live has extreme winter conditions

If you live in a climate that has extreme winter conditions, showering in the evening means you slip on warm pyjamas and slither into bed, nice and toasty warm directly from an equally warm shower. Showering in the morning in the wintertime means you have to be brave enough to jump out of the shower into a cold bathroom on a cold floor and scramble to throw on your clothes without icicles forming on your nose.

10. You have acne-prone skin

Dermatologist Carolyn Jacob notes that a nighttime shower will help rinse the facial pores of makeup, sweat, smog, dust, and dirt, helping reduce the risk of developing acne or worsening an existing bout of acne.[7] Whether or not you hop in the shower in the morning or the evening really depends upon if you’re a night oil, prone to itchy skin, need a morning perk-up and several other factors. So evaluate what your needs are and see which shower time will work best for you. Featured photo credit: kevin Baquerizo via