Here’s the complete table of contents:

Michael Sliwinski with Guy Kawasaki, “The Art of Changing the World” Dustin M. Wax, “How to Set Goals That Lead to Success” Leo Babauta, “The Single Secret to Making 2009 Your Best Year Ever” Michael Hyatt,  “How to Shave Ten Hours Off Your Work Week” James Mallinson,  “Why You Shouldn’t Do New Year’s Resolutions” Kris Rowlands,  “Say “No” to make “Yes” sound better” Andrew Mason,  “What’s Wrong With New Year’s Resolutions?” Michael Deutch,  “Making it all work – GTD with Mindmapping” Andrew Yang,  “Productivity For Groups – Because You’re Not Really In Control” Michael Sliwinski,  “Simply Get Things Done Course – from 0 to Productivity in 10 Simple Steps”

It’s been a pleasure to work with the team at Productive Magazine (I became a member of the editorial board during the production process). You can expect to see a third issue in the near future – the immediate goal is to make it bi-monthly, and eventually monthly. Stay tuned!

Issue  2 of  Productive Magazine  Out Now - 43