Knowing how to deal with stress is becoming a serious problem, especially in the United States. We stress over getting along with our co-workers, fitting more into our daily schedules and, most prominently, we even stress over trying not to stress. So let’s take a look at seven ways to up our productivity, while still keeping our stress levels in check!

Plan Your Next Day a Few Hours Before Bedtime

Many of us make the huge mistake of planning our next day as we lie in bed. Instead, try to make a quick “To Do” list a few hours before bedtime, that way you can clear your mind and be energized for the following morning. Not only will you feel more organized, but that stress that you feel when you “might be forgetting something” will also be a thing of the past.

Delegate What You’re Not Good at

Many productive leaders only do what they’re good at. In other words, if you have the ability to outsource a task or a project that you’re just not cut out for to another team member or a freelancer, then go for out! It doesn’t do you any favors to volunteer for something that you know you won’t excel at just to appear “eager to learn”. You know your skill set and your limitations, so if you’re not the best in the world at a particular task, then outsource it to someone who is.

Create Time by Having a Small Tweak of Your Daily Schedule

Well, there are actually quite a few things that are within your control that can help add some more time to your day. Take lunch a bit early or a little later than most, avoiding that long line at the area restaurants. When you’re at home with family, do your grocery shopping at off-peak hours and see the latest movie during a matinee. You will definitely find it easier to manage time in your busy schedule, plus you may even put a few dollars back into your pocket!

Ask for Help When You Feel Overburdened

If things ever get to be a “little too much,” learn to ask for help. This can mean talking to a friend to clear your mind or even taking a step back from some of your responsibilities in the office. It could even mean setting up that first therapy appointment. So, it may be just the thing to help you get rid of that stress and anxiety for good! Once you are thinking with a clear mind, you’ll see your productivity levels will thank you for it.

Get in Great Physical Shape to Energize Your Mind

Working out is not only good for our bodies, but it releases endorphins, which also energizes our minds. Plus, stepping away from your desk for even ten minutes to get your blood pumping can make you much more focused when you return. You can also add one of those standing desks that everyone has been talking about. You can place more attention on the project you’re working on, while also alleviating those cramps you get after sitting for an hour or so straight.

Stop Letting Your Relationships Drag You Down

Relationships can be one of the biggest stress builders on the planet, and being around negative people only compounds that. Try to remove as many of these people as you can from your everyday life. If you find yourself in a situation at your job where you have no choice in the matter, put up your “negativity shield”. Remind yourself that you don’t need the additional stress or the decrease in productivity, and remain in control of your own emotions and how you choose to deal with the situation before you.

Eat and Drink Fresh to Boost Energy in Your Body

The next time you need a boost of energy, don’t reach for those sugary drinks. Energy drinks may provide a short bout of energy, but they can also make you jittery, welcoming in those stressful feelings. Instead, grab a piece of fresh fruit or some low-fat chocolate milk. If you’re feeling a bit stressed out, reach for a piece of dark chocolate. Yes, those rumors are true! Staying as productive as you possibly can and learning how to deal with stress are two very important things to accomplish in your life, and they go hand-in-hand quite a lot more often than you might think. As you follow these seven tips to keep stress levels at bay and learn to be more efficient, be ready to see your life change for the better! Featured photo credit: Cathryn Lavery via