However, while we may never have the ability to fly, see through walls, or shoot lasers out of our eyes, each of us has our own set of powers that are uniquely human and just as amazing. When you learn to harness them, you can create the life you’ve always dreamed of. Here’s how to be the hero of your story, starting today.

1. Stand up to the bad guys.

Superheroes all must face their fears at some point, and same goes for us. Take a stand against injustice, even if it doesn’t affect you. Stick up for the little guys, the underdogs, the bullied.

2. Make the choice to take action.

Superheroes are often faced with tough choices. The easiest thing to do is often nothing. That’s why you need to consciously decide you’re taking action, right here, right now. Then—

3. Actually take action.

The first step is often the hardest but it’s also the most important, especially if you have big dreams for your life. Stop thinking so much and start doing. Focus on the small wins.

4. Spend your time wisely.

You don’t need to be a superhero to realize time is the most valuable asset in the world. So ask yourself: are you making good use of your time? Most people aren’t. We watch too much TV, spend too much time on Facebook and don’t understand the difference between “busy” and productive. Here’s a hint: if your busywork isn’t netting you results, it’s not productive.

5. Ignore the haters.

In every superhero’s story, there’s always the inevitable naysayers. Want to know the best way to defeat the villains in your life? Stop paying attention to them. Look them in the eye, tell them you have other plans and get to work chasing your dreams.

6. Sacrifice your own needs once in a while.

Heroes are selfless. They look out for others first. You might want to think about doing the same. Why? Because when you put others first it feels good. And good stuff will happen to you in turn. So do a good deed today.

7. Let your alter-ego chill for some downtime.

Listen, Superman needs to wind down and just be Clark Kent sometimes. Relaxation is absolutely vital to living a healthy, balanced life. Make time for reflection and meditation. Try doing a little yoga; it has amazing health benefits.

8. Form a team of other superheroes.

Most superheroes rely on a sidekick at some point to get them through tough times and you should too. If your goal is to lose weight, for example, research shows having a support network can make you more likely to achieve your goals. Likewise, if you want to go places in your career, networking is crucial. Start reaching out to successful people you respect and asking questions. What’s the worst that can happen?

9. Let love conquer all.

Every superhero is smitten by love at some point. This is not a weakness. Quite the contrary, actually. Love makes you stronger. If you haven’t found that special someone, keep searching. You will. If you have, don’t ever take that person for granted. Tell them you love them every day.

10. Be humble.

Humility is one of the most admirable qualities of heroes. Allow others on your team to be the stars of the show. Superheroes don’t crave the spotlight or demand attention. They sit quietly behind the scenes and allow others to shine. That’s the mark of a true hero. That’s how to be a hero. Now it’s time to go rewrite your story. Featured photo credit: Eneas via