Enter The Kettlebell

Sure it looks pretty basic, like a cannonball with a handle, but I promise you the results using one delivers are better than you’ll get from cardio, free weights or machines. What makes it better is its design. The handle of the kettlebell that’s on top of the round, solid steel weight offsets its center of gravity. This forces your body to use more muscles when you exercise. Using more muscles to perform an exercise means you will work harder and burn more calories. The other thing that makes the kettlebell so effective is that its smooth, rounded handle and compact shape. This makes several calorie-burning exercises that you cannot do with dumbbells or a barbell possible. They include the kettlebell swing, which will help you lose weight and get into shape faster than any other exercise. That’s why it’s the key to the weight loss workout hack in this article. Most gyms have kettlebells available for you to use. If you work out at home one can be purchased for about fifty dollars. Make sure you buy a kettlebell that is made from solid steel and that its handle is welded onto the cannonball section. This will ensure it lasts you a lifetime. You can buy them at most sporting good stores or online. When you buy your first kettlebell it’s a little tricky to determine which weight is best. A good rule of thumb is that women should buy a weight between 15-25 lbs. The best weight for men to start with is typically between 35-45 lbs.

Putting the Weight Loss Workout Hack Together

Now that you know which piece of fitness equipment you need it’s time to get to the workout. Everything you need from the exercises you’ll do to how many sets and reps is detailed below. You’ll do these workouts 3 days a week. You should give yourself a day’s rest between each to ensure your body recovers completely. This will enable you to train hard at every session. A schedule that I prefer is to train every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You can rest on the other days of the week or perform a different type of workout. You won’t be counting the number of sets you do in this workout in the typical manner of performing a set for a given number of reps, resting, and then doing another set. Instead you’ll do each set one after another with no rest. Don’t even set the weight down. Instead move from each exercise almost as if they are all part of the same movement. In fitness circles this is called a complex. The key benefit of complexes is that they burn more calories than a traditional workout where you rest between every set. This is because you’ll train more intensely. Studies show training this way doesn’t just burn calories during your workout but for as long as 72 hours after your workout is done too. The calorie burning benefits of traditional workouts stop almost as soon as your workout is done.

Workout 1 (Monday)

Kettlebell Swing Kettlebell Squats Kettlebell Shoulder Press

Workout 2 (Wednesday)

Kettlebell Shoulder Press Kettlebell Squat Kettlebell Swing

Workout 3 (Friday)

Kettlebell Squat Kettlebell Swing Kettlebell Shoulder Press

Reps, Sets & Rest Periods

You’ll start this workout program performing 7 reps of every exercise. Add 1 rep to each exercise per week. By the 4th week you’ll be doing 10 reps per exercise. Start by doing 4 complexes at every workout during the first week. Add a complex every week. By the 4th week you will be doing 7 complexes at every workout. Rest as little as possible between complexes. Aim to rest no more than 1 minute. The less fit you are the more you’ll need. If you can’t start with a minutes rest between complexes decrease your rest period every week until you reach the 1 minute mark.


Now you know how to hack your workout to lose fat and get into great shape fast in as little time possible. Give the workout in this article a try for a month and I guarantee you’ll see better results than if you were to do the traditional long, slow cardio workouts using fitness equipment at your gym. You’ll lose belly fat, build some muscle, look better, and have more fun too. Remember that diet is important too. By cutting back on carbohydrates or following a Paleo diet you’ll see results even faster. Featured photo credit: Gordon Cowie via unsplash.com