You may imagine that this will place undue stress or uncomfortable situations on poor old granny. However, most grandmas would be delighted to spend more time with their grandchildren. Grandchildren can help to keep old people happy, joyful and energetic. Bonding with the newest and the youngest generation of the family brings a great sense of pride and happiness.

Grandchildren Bring Mental Health Benefits

It’s also believed that playing or whiling away time with children can increase grandma’s golden years. Dropping the kids at Grandma’s place can play an essential positive role in dealing with age related brain illnesses. So long as she’s happy to spare the time, you may actually be helping her fight against a number of mental health problems! An interesting study published in ‘Menopause’, a journal of North American Menopause Society, revealed that grandmothers who spend time taking care of their grandchildren exhibit lower risks of Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive turmoil. An Alzheimer’s test  conducted on women between the ages of 57-68 further supports these notions. Those who scored the highest scores were the ones watching and playing with their grandchildren, at least once in a week. It’s also been seen that frequent or regular social interaction can help older people to stay mentally fit and calm. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found  senior people who spend too much living alone without family interactions suffer from a 26% higher death risk during a period of seven years.

Closing the Generation Gap While Squashing Depression

Today, in many societies across the globe, senior people tend to live alone or with their better halves rather than staying together in one big family home. While they do not depend on their kids economically or socially, it has created a huge gap between generations – grandparents, parents, and offspring. Depression is less likely to happen if grandparents create a strong bond with an adult grandkid. Researchers belonging to the Institute on Ageing at Boston College analyzed data from 700 grandparents and grandkids over a period of 19 years. They found that deeper the relationship between the two, the less the depression.

Factors that help create a stronger bond

When a child becomes more emotionally attached with the grandparents When a child has a regular contact with his or her grandparent When a child considers their grandparent to be a strong pillar of support

Along with grandchildren, grandparents need support too. If grandparents receive tangible support, they are even more likely to escape from depression. Lead researcher Sara Moorman believes the greater emotional attachment and support exchanged between grandparents and grandchildren, the better their mental and physiological health. Caring for grandchildren helps seniors avoid isolation, and thus, indirectly mitigates depression and early death. A strong, healthy bond between the grandparents and grandchildren has anti-depression benefits for both parties.

Remember – She’s a Grandma, not a Nanny!

More time is also not always better, In fact, too much time can be a bad thing. Grandmothers spending five days a week or more time in babysitting actually scored lower on the Alzheimer’s test. Mood was considered to be a factor in this instance. Kids can drive their grandma’s crazy if they are particularly unruly and left together for extended periods of time. Grandmothers certainly don’t want to be treated as if they are just a ‘nanny’. The time your children spend with grandma should be a great experience for both, not a chore! Here are some ideas for fun activities grandparents and grandchildren can enjoy together. Whichever activity you choose, make it a special grandma and grandchild experience. Do not be tempted to bring a third person into the experience. If the distance between child and grandparent is an issue, utilize phone calls, social media, skype or anything you can to maintain a strong connection between them.

Grandma s Brain Benefits From Spending Time With Kids  Study Finds - 21Grandma s Brain Benefits From Spending Time With Kids  Study Finds - 14