1. Pregnancy is hard.

Ok, guys, when the woman starts whining and complaining about how hard pregnancy is, listen to her, because she is not exaggerating. Carrying another life is not something to be taken lightly. This is a very rough nine months for the poor lady, and although all her griping might get annoying, just remember, it can only get better from here. Well, usually. Try to really listen to her and try your best to sympathize with her. Don’t try and solve her problems, because you probably can’t, but listen and discuss like a girlfriend would. This will be very difficult for you but it will do wonders. Trust me.

2. Women need attention.

In case it wasn’t already obvious, girls like to be paid attention to. They need affection, love, care, and presents (presents especially). Females need affection, especially when pregnant. They feel like their bodies are hideous and huge and they need someone to tell them they are still beautiful. This is the guy’s job. Though she doesn’t need false flattery, try to compliment her at least once a day and show her attention and affection when it’s pretty obvious she’s having a hard day. You might also be surprised at the number of points you will earn for a fabulous foot massage; this is actually the perfect time to give her a foot massage, as her feet can become swollen and very sore. She will love you for it!

3. Pregnant chicks are moody.

One of the most important things to remember about pregnancy is that it messes people up. Seriously though, being pregnant can make a woman feel on top of the world and giddy or angrier and touchier than a football coach losing by one touchdown with ten seconds left in the game. The body and its hormones are all out of whack, making these ladies a ball of emotions and more unpredictable than ever.

4. It’s a girl thing.

Obviously, men cannot get pregnant. Look at this as a blessing and enjoy the fact that the woman has to do all the work. All a guy has to do is enjoy a great relationship, wait for the positive pregnancy test, then sit back and enjoy the process of his child being created for him. Think about it—men can still enjoy a nice drink here and there but their women can’t have anything. Guys can eat whatever they want; pregnant girls can’t. The list goes on. So, relax and enjoy the ride while the lady does her thing.

5. This too shall pass.

Though pregnancy might seem like it will never end, it’s only nine months. It might be hard, but it isn’t impossible to do. Dote on her as much as possible during her nine-month journey, because she is working hard to create a precious little life. Besides, once it’s over, things will level out again (besides having to take care of the newborn baby). So, just calm down, take it a day at a time, and remember that everything is going to be just fine and life will return to what it once was.