Health Benefits Of Bananas

Bananas give you an all-around boost Bananas contain natural fruit sugars that work quickly to raise your energy levels, which is useful if you are taking part in sport or vigorous exercise and feel yourself flagging. The riper the banana, the higher its sugar content. If you wish to keep the sugar content of your bananas low, store them in the fridge as this will slow down the ripening process. Bananas can also help you maintain a good mood. They are a source of tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin. As serotonin is a neurotransmitter that naturally occurs in the brain and is associated with positive feelings, this is a definite advantage! Diet is an important factor in lowering your risk of depression, and fresh fruit and vegetables is a vital aspect of maintaining your mental health. Bananas are high in potassium Potassium is an incredibly useful mineral. Research suggests that maintaining a steady level of potassium in your blood protects you from a number of conditions including stroke, heart attack, and high blood pressure. Potassium may also be effective in reducing leg cramps. Eat a banana every day to enjoy these ongoing benefits. Bananas contain antioxidants Antioxidants assist your body in removing free radicals, which at high concentrations are associated with an increased risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Eating fruit and vegetables every day is an excellent way to reduce the quantity of free radicals within your body. Bananas may help you lose weight Bananas are high in fiber, which can help you to feel fuller for longer. In turn, this means you are less likely to snack mindlessly between meals and are more likely to make sensible dietary choices. They are also a relatively low-calorie food, at around 100 calories per medium-sized banana.

Don’t Forget To Use The Skin!

Most people simply eat a banana and throw away the peel. Don’t do this – the skin can be used in so many beneficial ways, and of course it is totally free! Did you know that banana peel can help relieve pain, maintain skin hydration, help treat warts, soothe bug bites, and whiten your teeth? Check out the video below for step-by-step instructions:

Credit: freez frame films/Youtube

Lastly, A Quick Recipe To Try

If you would like a new and exciting way to enjoy bananas, why not try making some quick frozen banana ice cream? It’s dairy-free, gluten-free and is very simple to make. Simply chop up two bananas and freeze for a few hours. Once they have frozen solid, pulse them in a blender at a high speed. After around a minute, you will notice that the bananas take on consistency that closely resembles soft-serve ice cream. Add a tablespoon of vanilla syrup and a few chocolate chips and you have a healthier alternative to store-bought desserts. If you are trying to eliminate sugar from your diet, add in a few berries instead for flavor. This is a wonderful recipe for a hot summer’s day, and is so straightforward that even young children can have fun making it with appropriate adult supervision. Featured photo credit: PublicDomainPictures via